Part I (40 points total): This section of the exam covers material read and discussed after April 14th, beginning with John Ruskin and Thomas Hardy. It will have the same format as your semester examinations but you can expect that at least some of the writing prompts will ask you to make connections to material read earlier in the semester.

a: Identify the author and title of 5 (out of 8) passages. You must provide first and last name of the author. (10 points)

b: After you note author and title, you will be asked to respond to a few short questions about 3 of the passages that you’ve identified passages (30 points).

Part II (60 points total): In this section of the essay, you will be asked to write 6 short essays (each no more than 2 paragraphs) on a wide array of subjects covering this semester’s material. Many of the short prompts will begin by asking you to define a literary term (i.e. the lyric or narrative voice) before going on to discuss its development over the period by drawing upon the work of at least two writers. Other questions will be more general (on the representation of the feminine or the sublime, for example). 

You will be able to choose among at least 10 short essay prompts. These prompts will be similar to the in-class writing prompts that you’ve been responding to this semester but I will expect the careful writing and argument that characterizes a strong final exam performance.

Over the course of this section of the exam you must demonstrate scope across the period, from eighteenth-century authors through our contemporaries. 

An “A” exam will refer to and discuss in some detail at least 2 works from each time period covered this semester: the Eighteenth-Century, the Romantic Period, the Victorian Period, 20th-Century Literature, and Contemporary Literature.

You are responsible for all of the literary terms listed on the semester exam descriptions, as well as: stream-of-consciousness, third-person point of view, and first-person point of view.

Please bring an exam booklet for your essays.